Tomsk polytechnic university CACEEUNESCO International Centre for Engineering Education
Central Asia Centre for Engineering Education







The CACEE seeks to accomplish several goals in the realm of engineering education, namely:

  1. Exchange of information, experience and knowledge in the field of engineering education between higher educational institutions, research institutes and industrial enterprises in countries of Central Asia, including Asian Russia.
  2. Assistance in attracting international funds for the higher educational institutions of the Central Asia Region for the purpose of supporting innovation in engineering education.
  3. Transfer of technologies, the development and implementation of educational programmes at different levels in the field of high technologies (BE, MSc, PhD), as well as the advanced training and retraining of specialists.
  4. Development of databases on high technologies, research services and qualified specialists, appropriate educational programmes, fostering cooperation between universities, research institutes and industrial enterprises of Russia in the area of exporting and importing educational technologies and programmes within the Central Asia Region.
  5. Development of a system of independent public accreditation of educational programmes and the certification of specialists in the field of engineering and technology in Asian Russia and countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in Asia.
  6. Assistance in the international accreditation of educational programmes offered by the educational institutions of the Central Asia Region, as well as the international recognition of academic degrees and diplomas.
  7. Establishment of international academic exchange activities and assistance in the creation of university branches abroad, which foster the internationalisation of engineering education.
  8. Development of an international system of distance learning for the export and import of transnational educational programmes in the area of engineering and technology.
  9. Improvement of engineering education science and the development of the communication skills of specialists, including fluency in foreign languages, particularly English as the language of international communication.
  10. Assistance in importing educational programmes from advanced universities in different parts of the world to the Central Asia Region with a view to expand engineering education globally.
  11. Organisation of regional seminars and conferences and assistance in holding international forums to discuss problems in the internationalisation of engineering education and quality assurance in engineering and technology.
  12. Dissemination of periodicals and other materials on issues of internationalisation and the advancement of education in the field of engineering and technology, engineering educational science and the use of new information technologies and other relevant matter related to engineering education.
  13. Assistance in structuring memorandums, contracts and agreements between universities of different countries.
  14. Drawing up reports on engineering education.


Central Asia Centre for Engineering Education
30 Lenin Ave.,
Tomsk, Russia
Тел/факс: +7(3822) 563835
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