Tomsk polytechnic university CACEEUNESCO International Centre for Engineering Education
Central Asia Centre for Engineering Education







During the period of September 26 - October 26, A/Prof. Nadejda Y. Sipailova (The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, the Electrical Machines Department) and A/Prof. Galina V. Kashkan (the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, General and Inorganic Chemistry) have visited Anna University (India, Chennai). Their business trip has been organized as an academic exchange in accordance with the international working agreement concluded between the TPU and Anna University.

During their business trip our teachers have been acquainted with the research, educational process, and educational programmes offered by Anna University and other colleges of Chennai. On the part of the University, they have told about the research conducted by the TPU, and also delivered lectures on Mathematical Modeling in Electromechanics and Inorganic Chemistry for students of Anna University.

The impressions from Indian people, students, culture, and customs and traditions have been left in memory and on these photos.

Galina Kashkan and her Indian students and colleagues

Honouring of Nadejda Sipailova, the leading visitor, in one of the Indian Colleges

Our delegates and administration of Anna University (right - Vice Chancellor of Anna University, Prof. A. Kalanidhi; left - Mr. Grusvami, «father» of our delegates in India)

Agriculture is the hobby of the administrator of one of the colleges. He organized an excursion for our teachers to his fields and gathering the harvest

Galina Kashkan smiles: she has perfectly delivered the last lecture. Tomorrow is the day of departure

Temples are the most expressive edifices in India. Chennai is very rich in temples. Nadejda Sipailova near the temple in the Park of Indira Gandhi


Central Asia Centre for Engineering Education
30 Lenin Ave.,
Tomsk, Russia
Òåë/ôàêñ: +7(3822) 563835
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