Tomsk polytechnic university CACEEUNESCO International Centre for Engineering Education
Central Asia Centre for Engineering Education







Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) together with the Russian Ministry of Education, the Russian Association for Engineering Education (RAEE), an All-Russian public organization, the Foundation for International Accreditation and Certification Assistance in the area of education and high technologies (FIACA) conducted the Conference The Innovation University and Innovation Education on 5 March, 2003.

The following issues were discussed:

  • A concept of academic innovation university
  • Innovation engineering education
  • Elite engineering education
  • Retaining of the university academic basis, development of basic research and innovation activities
  • Innovation corporate culture and development of a competitive environment

Managers of Tomsk universities, academic institutes of the Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, branch institutes, representatives from the RAEE and the TPU Alumni Association took part in the Conference, and also teachers and research fellows from the TPU including those ones from the TPU Research Institutes. In all 178 people were present at this Conference, among them representatives from Moscow, Barnaul, Komsomolsk-na-Amure.

In conclusion the following was decided:

  1. To develop a standard design of the academic innovation university organization.
  2. To develop the organization of the TPU as an academic innovation university.
  3. To develop a system of elite engineering education provided by the TPU, and as an experiment, to start its implementation on 1 September, 2003.
  4. To develop a basis for carrying out basic and applied research, training top specialists and elite graduates in cooperation with research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and research institutes at universities.
  5. To start the experiment on the use of innovation engineering education techniques in a number of the TPU faculties.
  6. To form a corporate culture corresponding to the mission of an academic innovation university.

The Conference participants noted the relevance and usefulness of holding the Conference The Innovation University and Innovation Education.


Central Asia Centre for Engineering Education
30 Lenin Ave.,
Tomsk, Russia
Тел/факс: +7(3822) 563835
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